Business Listing Policy

By submitting this form, you affirm that you have the authority to complete this form on behalf of the company. You also grant the Uniondale Empowerment Resource Center (UERC) the right to advertise and use your information across all media platforms as deemed appropriate to promote community awareness in Uniondale and surrounding areas.

As the authorized representative of your company, you agree to hold the Uniondale Empowerment Resource Center harmless for any inaccuracies in advertising. You understand that UERC is only listing your business and does not have knowledge of your services or products. The Uniondale Empowerment Resource Center website is solely responsible for listing your information and does not manage your business website, affiliates, or any related updates.

The Uniondale Empowerment Resource Center is not responsible for your customers, their purchases, or any interactions with your company. If UERC becomes aware of any illegal activities associated with your business, we reserve the right to remove or cancel your listing from our website without any refund of donated funds.

UERC does not solicit to minors. Any advertising or promotions related to your business must comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding minors.

By submitting, you acknowledge and agree that the Uniondale Empowerment Resource Center holds the right to take legal action should you misrepresent our involvement with your company, which is strictly limited to listing your company and logo on our website.